Mycoplasma Real Time Pcr Detection Kit

CPV and FPV Real Time PCR Detection kit

TRI-L18M1 32T
EUR 453.6

Human IgG antibody Laboratories manufactures the mycoplasma real time pcr detection kit reagents distributed by Genprice. The Mycoplasma Real Time Pcr Detection Kit reagent is RUO (Research Use Only) to test human serum or cell culture lab samples. To purchase these products, for the MSDS, Data Sheet, protocol, storage conditions/temperature or for the concentration, please contact Mycoplasma PCR. Other Mycoplasma products are available in stock. Specificity: Mycoplasma Category: Real Group: Time Pcr

Chlamydia Real Time PCR Detection kit

EUR 252

Mycoplasma Real Time PCR Detection kit

EUR 453.6

Mycoplasma Real Time PCR Detection kit

EUR 252

Babesia Real Time PCR Detection kit

EUR 453.6

Babesia Real Time PCR Detection kit

EUR 252

Brucella Real Time PCR Detection kit

EUR 453.6

Brucella Real Time PCR Detection kit

EUR 252

Time Pcr information

MycAway™ Mycoplasma Real-time qPCR Detection Kit

40618ES60 100 T
EUR 2315

Mycoplasma PCR Detection Kit

BMC1040-1000T 1000 T
EUR 199

Mycoplasma PCR Detection Kit

BMC1040-200T 200 T
EUR 59

Mycoplasma PCR Detection Kit

BMC1040-each each Ask for price

Mycoplasma PCR Detection Kit

K1476-100 100 Rxns
EUR 357.6

PCR Mycoplasma Detection Kit

abx298017-100g 100 µg Ask for price

PCR Mycoplasma Detection Kit

abx298017-100rxns 100 rxns
EUR 376.8

PCR Mycoplasma Detection Kit

abx298017-20g 20 µg
EUR 437.5

PCR Mycoplasma Detection Kit

abx298017-50g 50 µg Ask for price

PCR Mycoplasma Detection Kit

abx098883-100rxns 100 rxns
EUR 644.4

PCR Mycoplasma Detection Kit

G238 100 Reactions
EUR 195

The Mycoplasma PCR Detection Kit offers high specificity and sensitivity to minimize false positives while ensuring coverage over 200 strains of Mycoplasmas for quick and reliable routine screening of cell cultures less than 2 hours. Mycoplasmas are highly undesirable, easily acquired and notorious for an elusive onset of infection. It can alter the infected cells at a molecular level leading to visible changes in cell morphology and growth characteristics. Timely detection of Mycoplasmas in cell cultures is recommended in order to deter wide-spread contamination and save on the costly efforts of elimination. The MasterMix contains gel loading dye, making it convenient to load for gel electrophoresis.

PCR Mycoplasma Detection Kit

E36G238 100 Reactions
EUR 228.57

PCR Mycoplasma Detection Kit

K2821-100 100T
EUR 136
Description: Cell culture|Mycoplasma Detection and Elimination

PCR Mycoplasma Detection Kit

K2821-50 50T
EUR 92
Description: Cell culture|Mycoplasma Detection and Elimination

PCR Mycoplasma Detection Kit

M034-Kit Kit
EUR 209.05
Description: N/A

PCR Mycoplasma Detection Kit

MBS8580111-100Reactions 100Reactions
EUR 360

PCR Mycoplasma Detection Kit

MBS8580111-5x100Reactions 5x100Reactions
EUR 1525